Maximum impurity limits applicable to all types are in accordance with IS0 17672: 2016 (F)

Tri-metal laminates are composed of two layers of silver solder alloy plated on a copper laminate. They are specially designed for brazing carbides on massive steel parts.
This "sandwich" of alloy and copper absorbs and releases the tensions caused by the thermal expansion between the carbides and the base metal, thus helping to absorb shocks and prevent cracking.
This type of laminate is specially made for the cutting, drilling and drilling of concrete and tars industry.
Brazing PCD (polycrystalline diamond), CBN or CVD inserts, special tools, are more often brazed with CARBI50 AND CARBI49 alloys in the form of wire, rod and laminate.
Dont' hesitate to contact us if you need more information.